Thursday, July 15, 2010

[100714] Super Junior Donghae, “I cry a lot because of my fellow buddies” !!

It has been revealed that Super Juniors Donghae sheds lots of tears.

The Super Junior members appeared on SBS ‘Strong Heart’ on the night of the 13th and claimed that “Donghae is rich in emotion so he sheds a lot of tears”. Donghae who was with his members was nodding his head and truthfully agreed.

He said “When going to festivals in the region, it was difficult ironically” and “I get annoyed specially the leader Leeteuk when he lookes similar to Kang Ho Dong. And when I looked outside the window the moon was beautiful and I cried” and gave laughter to the people who came.

But the members didn’t stop here. Shindong said “Last year, when we were recording an award ceremony Donghae said “I think our teams strength has become weaker” and started to cry” and “I am thinking like this for the other members who couldn’t come here”.

Donghae even revealed that “I was shedding tears for the members who couldn’t participate in the end of year awards because we are a family” and made the other members sad.

Source: Yahoo Media | Translated by: Seungeun Lee@SJWORLD.NET
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