Tuesday, July 13, 2010

[100713] Super Junior Donghae participates in composing ‘Strong Heart’s logo song! MV unleashed !!

Super Junior has participated in composing ‘Strong Heart’s logo song.

Idol group Super Junior, on the 13th of July in the SBS ‘Strong Heart’ broadcast has immediately made the lyrics, composed and has released the Music Video where they participated for the logo song.

The hero who has given birth to the logo song is Super Juniors Donghae. Donghae has immediately made lyrics, composed it and has presented the logo song and has decorated the stage with ‘Teuk Academy’s Leeteuk, Eunhyuk, Shindong, by matching some sweet dance choreography.

No only this, the four people have participated in filming the music video and Super Junior has completed the artwork by doing comedy and shining acting.

Broadcast on the 13th of July 11:05am

Source: Newsen | Translated by: Seungeun Lee@SJWORLD.NET
Shared by: szirkhae.blogspot.com

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